Sunday, January 15, 2012

Battalion of 2 money season receives Xijiedi anticipate driving Zhou San dish hind go up 7%

Beijing time on January 5 morning message, rare nimble Zhou San predicts, it is good that battalion of season of the 2nd mo the best selling brooch pins ney closes at anticipating, and the volume of hard disk shipment of season of the 3rd money also will b the best selling memory laptop toshiba e behaved driving.

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Big calamity is opposite Thailand before this the supply of rare nimble catenary produces adverse effect, dan Xijie's business is returning to normal gradually. Suffer the outstanding achievement with good profit t scooby costume o expect an impact, rare nimble share price is in week of 3 United States of the stock market dish hind in trading, rise 7% , to 17.99 dollars.

resealable bagsLast year in July, thailand produces the big calamity with infrequent dimensions, affected rare nimble and western the factory that the hard disk manufacturer such as data is located in Thailand. Western da free canon ef 15mm ta, rare nimble, Toshiba (small gain) stand with day wait for hard disk manufacturer to be built brooch pins in Thailand have a plant, and the hard disk of Thailand produces those who take supply of global hard disk to arra t mobile prepaid cards nge an in part.

Rare nimble will publish newspaper of money of season of the 2nd money on January 31. Rare nimble predicts battalion of season of the 2nd money closes at present will be 31 to 3.2 billion dollar, road of prep above Shang Sen shows the 2.81 billion dollar that the analyst in statistic most popular selling scooby costume predicts on average.

Rare nimble still predicts, the volume of hard disk shipment of season of the 2nd money will be 47 million about, 43 million when prep above predicts before this. In addition, the volume of hard disk shipment of season of the 3rd money still will rise, and do not include business conf memory laptop toshiba ormity cost inside battalion closes will be 42 to 4.5 billion dollar. The analyst predicts battalion of 3 money season receives Xijiedi on average will be 3.7 billion dollar. (Dimension gold)

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