Sunday, January 15, 2012

Of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty and cereal song patent contend for opened careful in March on this year

On January 6 message, according to foreign media coverage, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (small gain) with case of tort of Gu Ge patent advocate careful judge was in adjudgement day surely in March 2012 portion, became adjudgement process branch 3 parts, put up with highlights details of a case a few times of this case to undertake adjudication.

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It is reported, the smoke of gunpowder of patent tort case of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty and cereal song is rising, took one step again from terminus at long last at present, this to both sides it is a small victory. Bilateral to the case on January 4 the day that is a business, general of Sa of A of · of Mu of Williams of judge of American place court (William Alsup) expresses, this case will be in sessional on March 19, 2012. This case before this Ceng Yu is sessional on October 31, 2011, but because problem of forensic schedule arrangement is deferred,undertake.

As we have learned, inscriptions on bones o the most popular memory laptop toshiba r tortoise shells of the Sha the most p most popular selling memory laptop toshiba opular canon ef 15mm the most popular memory card digital cameras ng Dynasty asked the court began the trial of this case this morning January as far as possible recently, on the other hand, gu Ge hopes at latest of this case remit to is sessional July gift is nice. Inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty expresses, sessional time is protracted longer, more adverse to the company, because this meeting gives Gu Ge to be suspected of the patent of tort be able to breath, gu Ge will have enougher time to receive the profit that the Android consumer goods that goods rises ceaselessly brings. mountain t shirts

To this, judge Asapu still holds to in the past of moment offer, adjudgement process cent is 3 parts. Will handle the copyright tort issue that this case involves above all, will handle patent tort issue next, will undertake checkup to all bequeath problem finally, include freedom and website of open software patent (the person that FOSS Patents) establishs Fuluolien Mule (Florian Mueller) place puts forward " caustic estrangement is intended " relevant clue. And inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty and Gu Ge will have 7 days of time to sentence program demur to the judge's prejudication.

Meanwhile, in concerning this case about most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards " intended " clue, asapu ever with ruled on January 4, engineer of one Feng Yougu song Dimu Linhuoermu (the email of Tim Lindholm) compose will make evidence of a crime. And cereal song Ceng Bian says, linhuoermu's email should not become the witness of this case, because this file accords with lawyer party,keep secret prerogative.

And Mu Le expresses, judge Asapu had rejected this request 6 times. Gu Ge returns argue to say Linhuoermu did not participate in analytic Android to whether be opposite at that time in the thing that patent of Java of inscriptions on b canon ef 15mm ones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty causes tort. But the judge recommends its major setting says, linhuoermu is one " very familiar to Java and Android technology engineer, can differentiate adequately the platform that this is two indepe brooch pins ndence, and any potential across technologies the most popular t mobile prepaid cards between two platform " . As we have learned, linhuoermu is joining the company Sun Microsystems that the father at Java ever assumed office before Gu Ge, ever participated in the development group that develops Java language and Java platform.

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